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Foundations of Mindfulness, June 19-25, 2017, Spirit Rock

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to our present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. Through the practice of mindfulness, we learn tools to regulate emotions, develop attention, and cultivate states of compassion, even-mindedness, and greater well-being. When we attend to the present moment over a sustained period of time, practitioners report deeper connection to themselves, more self-compassion, and greater insights into their lives. In this week-long retreat we will practice mindfulness meditation through sitting and walking meditation as well as lectures and opportunity to meet with teachers who will guide our practice. While rooted in Buddhist practice of mindfulness, this retreat will focus on the practical applications of mindfulness, and is open to people of all backgrounds and experience, especially those interested in secular mindfulness. An excellent retreat for beginners, but open to all levels.

Co-sponsored by UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.

With Diana Winston, Alex Haley, Melvin Escobar (yoga)

Upper Retreat Hall, Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Register here.

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