Buddha described Maranasati (Mindfulness of Death) as Supreme of all the mindfulness practices. He encouraged Maranasati practice to live an awakened life. This supreme practice supports our appreciation of the preciousness of human birth and the development of equanimity with the difficulties of human existence. It helps us gain freedom from rigidity and clinging through a more expansive perspective of the inevitable and natural letting go. Maranasati matures our insight into impermanence and change, nourishing a skillful orientation to both life and death. In the retreat we will utilize the skills of loving awareness, compassion and investigation in our sitting practice, with some guided visualization and a period of contemplative inquiry each day.
Prerequisite: One five-night Insight Meditation retreat or permission of the teacher.
With Eugene Cash, Bhikkhu Analayo (via videocast), and Janice Clarfield (yoga)
Date: Monday, October 2, 3:00pm - Monday, October 9, 11:30am
Location: Upper Retreat Hall, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Register: Will open for registration on 5/31/2017
When open, register here.