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The days and nights are relentlessly passing,
how well am I spending my time?
This should be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.
-The Buddha


Befriending Mortality: Living Fully and Dying Fearlessly.


Interactive Online Course.  Forthcoming: April 2023.​


Death is not exactly a typical dinner table topic in modern, dominant Western culture. We all “know” that we die, yet we tend to ignore it, put our collective heads in the sand, or fearfully run away from any discussion. Instead of being in conflict with reality, we can harness the power of this reflection to stay aligned with our deepest values, to live and love more fully, and be happier and more present for this miraculous show called our life. Embracing our life’s impermanence also gives rise to a deep letting go, freedom, and fearlessness.

Contemplating these benefits, we can appreciate why the Buddha recommended that all of us reflect on our death every day as one of the Five Daily Remembrances.


Join us for an exploration through Dharma talks, guided meditation, and small group practice to turn towards and befriend this powerful contemplation.


Please add your name to the mailing list (low traffic) below to be notified when the course dates are finalized.


In the meanwhile, please listen to a talk I gave at a maranasati silent retreat at Spirit Rock, entitled "If my life is for rent... nothing I have is truly mine."


Also, a podcast interview on Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris.




7-Day Residential Silent Retreat on Mindfulness of Mortality (Maranasati) at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Dec 3-9, 2022.  Registration is open here.



Thank you for your interest in this very important practice -- for your own sake, and the sake of all whose lives you touch directly or indirectly...

Please subscribe below to be informed when the course dates are announced. Your data is never shared/sold.

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